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Black History Month

A guide to resources in the library and on the web

Search Everything: EBSCO Discovery Service

SEARCH EVERYTHING is an all-inclusive search solution that makes in-depth research easy. The platform offers sophisticated features and functionality that anticipate user intent, helping you get to exactly what you're looking for quickly and easily.

  • To search everything at once, enter your search term in the box
  • At the left-hand sidebar, limit your search by format.
    • For eBooks, click eBook box in the left-hand sidebar, then the title link and the "View eBook" link
    • For print books, films, music, etc., click the appropriate box(es) in the left-hand sidebar, then the title link and look for location code, call number and availability.


Research Tips

When searching the databases for information, keep the following tips in mind:

  • Click on Full-Text to retrieve articles that can be read immediately
  • Click on Peer reviewed to view articles from scholarly journals
  • Enter in keywords rather than full sentences
  • Use quotation marks when searching a phrase (2+ words). For example, "black history", "african americans", "martin luther king". Use lower case since it will search both lower and upper case words.