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British Literature: Citing Articles

A guide for ENG 240 Foundations of British Literature.

Print Articles

Journal: General AuthorLastname, AuthorFirstname. "Article Title." Journal Title Vol.Num (Year): pages. Print.

Journal with Volume Numbers

Graham, Sarah. “Impossible to Hold: Women and Culture in the 1960s.” Journal of American Studies 40.2 (2006): 418-19. Print.

Journal with only Issue Numbers

Simmons, Carolyn, and Karen Becker-Olsen. “Achieving Marketing Objectives through Social Sponsorships.” Journal of Marketing 70 (2006): 154-69. Print.

Magazine (published week or every two weeks)

Reed, Stanley. “Seeing Past the War.” Business Week 21 Aug. 2006: 35-36. Print.


Seward, Zachary. “Colleges Expand Early Admissions.” Wall Street Journal 14 Dec. 2006, Eastern ed.: D1-D2. Print.

For additional examples and explanations, see pp. 136-148 in the MLA Handbook (2009).

Subject Guide

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Kristine Owens
My Hours

Monday – Thursday:   12:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


Malone University
Everett L. Cattell Library
2600 Cleveland Ave. NW
Canton, OH 44709
Subjects: Literature