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Using the Pioneer Trail Discovery Service: Refining Results

A how-to-guide for using the new search box and to introduce the Pioneer Trail EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS).

Results Page

Look familiar? Since the Pioneer Trail is an EBSCOHost product, the interface is similar. You can refine your search the same way:

  1. Limit your results to full text, scholarly journals, the library collection or by year.
  2. Limit by source type, books or academic joiurnals.
  3. If the PDF or HTML is available, just click to open the document. If no full text is shown, click on the "Full Text through LinkSource" to locate the full text in another database. 

New Search Page

Once you begin using the Pioneer Trail and select  "New Search," your screen will look like this.

Refining Results

By clicking on the "Show More" link under the "Publication Date" slider, you can choose to search by discipline.