Not sure whether your article is from a magazine? Look for these characteristics:
Popular magazines:
Trade magazines:
Articles may also come from journals or newspapers.
Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article: Subtitle if Any." Title of Magazine, Date of Publication, pp. page numbers. Name of Database.
Works Cited List Example |
Weinstein, Becca. "Trying Before Buying." Psychology Today, May-June 2012, pp. 46-47. ABI/INFORM Global. |
In-Text Citation Example |
(Author's Last Name Page Number) (Weinstein 46) |
Note: While MLA 8th edition recommends including URLs, Seneca Libraries recommends that URLs be left out when citing a work found in a library database. Library databases require a login causing most URLs to stop working after the session ends.
Author's Last Name, First Name, and Second Author's First Name Last Name, and Third Author's First Name Last Name. "Title of Article: Subtitle if Any." Title of Magazine, Date of Publication, pp. Page numbers. Name of Database.
Note: Only the first author listed appears in "Last Name, First Name" format. Authors' names are separated by a comma. Before the last author to be listed, add the word "and."
Works Cited List Example |
Bosch, James Vanden, and David Crump. "Divorce and the Congregation." Books and Culture, Mar.-Apr. 2012, p. 22. Academic OneFile. |
In-Text Citation Example |
(First Author's Last Name and Second Author's Last Name Page Number) (Bosch and Crump 22) |
Note: While MLA 8th edition recommends including URLs, Seneca Libraries recommends that URLs be left out when citing a work found in a library database. Library databases require a login causing most URLs to stop working after the session ends.
"Title of Article: Subtitle if Any." Title of Magazine, Date of Publication, pp. Page numbers. Name of Database.
Note: If the author is unknown, begin the citation with the title of the article.
Works Cited List Example |
"Canned Soda?" Restaurants and Institutions, 15 Sept. 2005, p. 16. Academic OneFile. |
In-Text Citation Example |
("First Word or Words of the Title" Page Number) ("Canned") Note: This magazine article doesn't list an author, so the first word or words of the title are included in the in-text citation in quotation marks. This article is only one page, so the page number is not included in the in-text citation. |
Note: While MLA 8th edition recommends including URLs, Seneca Libraries recommends that URLs be left out when citing a work found in a library database. Library databases require a login causing most URLs to stop working after the session ends.
Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article: Subtitle if Any."Title of Magazine, Date of publication, URL. Accessed access date.
Works Cited List Example |
Cosh, Kolby. "Tiny Human Brains Threaten Giant Dinosaur Bones in Alberta." Macleans, 25 July 2012, Accessed 13 June 2016. |
In-Text Citation Example |
(Author's Last Name) (Cosh) |
Author's Last Name, First Name. "Title of Article: Subtitle if Any." Title of Magazine, Date of Publication, pp. Page numbers.
Works Cited List Example |
Loney, Sydney. "Family Fare." Today's Parent, Jan. 2012, pp. 59-61. |
In-Text Citation Example |
(Author's Last Name Page Number) (Loney 59) |
Author's Last Name, First Name, and Second Author's First Name Last Name. "Title of Article: Subtitle if Any." Title of Magazine, Date of Publication, pp. Page numbers.
Note: Only the first author listed appears in "Last Name, First Name" format. Authors' names are separated by a comma. Before the last author to be listed, add the word "and."
Works Cited List Example |
Ainsworth-Vincze, Cameron, and Josh Dehass. "Where Do I Belong?" Macleans, 22 Nov. 2010, pp. 58-59. |
In-Text Citation Example |
(First Author's Last Name and Second Author's Last Name Page Number) (Ainsworth-Vincze and Dehass 58) |
"Title of Article: Subtitle if Any." Title of Magazine, Date of Publication, pp. Page numbers.
Works Cited List Example |
"Outsmart Your Cravings." Prevention, 30 Jan. 2008, p. 45. |
In-Text Citation Example |
("First Word or Words of the Title" Page Number) ("Outsmart" 45) Note: This magazine article doesn't list an author, so the first word or words of the title are included in the in-text citation in quotation marks.
Number of Authors/Editors | In-Text Citation Example |
Two |
(Author's Last Name and Author's Last Name Page Number) Example: (Case and Daristotle 57) |
Three or more |
(Author's Last Name et al. Page Number) Example: (Case et al. 57) |
If you have three or more authors cite only the name of the first author listed with their Last Name, First Name Middle Name followed by a comma et al.
Example: Smith, James, et al.