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Film Reviews and Criticism : Introduction

An introduction on how to search for film reviews and criticism.

Film Reviews vs. Film Criticism: A Comparison


  Film Reviews Film Critcism
Authorship usually written by journalists or other non-academics written by academics 
Audience the general movie-going public scholars/academics

describes the plot, characters, cast, director, etc. in order to
help the reader assess whether they want to see the film. 

may analyze the plot, characters, cinematic techniques;
compare films by the same director or similar films within a genre;
apply a particular critical theory to the film; and/or assess social, historical, or cultural significance of the film in order to advance the scholarly conversation about the film. 


published in the weeks/months around film's release published in the years/decades after the film was released
Where published 

Online review sites, newspapers, and popular magazines:

  • Rotten Tomatoes
  • IMDb
  • Variety

Film studies journals

  • Film Quarterly
  • Adaptation


Subject Guide

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Kristine Owens
My Hours

Monday – Thursday:   12:30 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.


Malone University Cattell Library
2600 Cleveland Ave. NW
Canton, OH 44709
Subjects: Literature