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Malone University Library Circulation Policies: Circulation Policies

Circulation Policies

Borrowing Privileges

Malone students can borrow most regularly circulating Malone items for 3 months or until the end of the current the term (whichever comes first).  Certain special collections and reserve materials have shorter loan periods.  All Malone library patrons can also borrow circulating materials from any OhioLINK, OPAL, or SearchOhio library by using links from the OPAL catalog.  Borrowers simply select an item in the online catalog and type in their name and the barcode number from their Malone ID.  Requested items are usually shipped to Malone, but borrowers can also choose to have their items delivered to any OhioLINK institution anywhere in the state.  Students are notified at their Malone student email address when items are ready for pick-up.  Students can also monitor their own borrowing records by going to the Malone Library web page and clicking “My Account.”  Malone undergraduate students are limited to 50 items out at once, and graduate students can have up to 100 items. 

Additional interlibrary loan services are available for current Malone students.  If a physical item is not available at Malone, OhioLINK, or through SearchOhio, current students can complete an interlibrary loan request through the library’s web page.  The interlibrary loans librarian will search a worldwide catalog to try to find a copy.  Students can also request journal articles that are not available in the Cattell Library or through one of our online databases.  Most articles will be emailed to the requester.

Media equipment must be requested through the Media Services department for pickup at the IT Help Desk in Haviland Hall. 

Students must present the barcode number found on their Malone University ID card  to borrow library materials. The card-holder is responsible for any items checked out with that number. Student barcode numbers are also listed on the “student” tab in Malone Xpress.

 Renewals and Returns

Students will receive several reminder email notices for overdue items. These notices are sent as a courtesy service only. Borrowers are responsible to know the due dates for all items borrowed and to renew or return on time whether notices are received or not. 

Most Malone and OhioLINK items will renew automatically. Borrowers can renew SearchOhio items online through “My Account”, by calling the circulation desk (330-471-8317) or in person at the library’s circulation desk. Items cannot be renewed if a hold is placed on the item by another patron.

The library system automatically charges a standard replacement fee for each overdue item after the 30-day mark.  If an item is lost, Malone and some other lenders will sometimes accept replacement copies of library materials (new copies of the same, or sometimes a more recent edition). Since this practice is not guaranteed, borrowers should always consult with a circulation supervisor before purchasing a replacement copy.

Diplomas and transcripts will be held until all items are returned and fines have been cleared.


Library-provided databases are accessible when a student logs on to any campus computer. Off-campus access to databases generally requires remote authentication using the student's regular Malone logon and password. 

 Malone Alumni

Malone University alumni can borrow most items using a Stark County District Library card. Licensing agreements dictate that only current students and employees can access the databases from off campus.


Loan Periods

Malone Items

   Regular circulating books, CDs                    3 months/end of current term (1 renewal)

   DVD’s, curriculum items, tests                     1 week (2 renewals)

   Reference, periodicals, archives                   in library use only

OhioLINK/OPAL items

   Books, CDs                                                  3 weeks (6 possible renewals)

   DVDs, videos                                               1 week (no renewals, no grace period)

SearchOhio items

   Books, CDs                                                  3 weeks (3 possible renewals)

   DVDs, other media                                       1 week (no renewals)

Interlibrary loans

   Books                                                          usually 4 weeks (determined by lender)

   Articles                                                        copies to be kept by patron


Fines and Fees

Fines may be charged on reserve items and on some interlibrary loan items.

Replacement costs *   

   Malone items                                               $ 70.00 (includes $20 processing fee)

   OhioLINK items                                           $125.00 (includes $50 processing fee)

   SearchOhio items                                        $ 50.00 (includes $25 processing fee)

   Interlibrary loans                                         determined by lender

   * Students should always consult with a circulation supervisor before purchasing a replacement copy. 

Other fees

   Interlibrary loan articles                             free unless charged by lender

Copies can be scanned to email at no charge using a current Malone University ID card. 

Printing and copying charges are handled through students' campus print balance.


Borrowing Privileges

Current Malone University faculty, staff, and administrators have equal privileges and responsibilities in their use of library materials.  Adjunct faculty members have employee status while they are actively teaching or indefinitely if their departments grant them on-going contracts (e.g. teaching a class every fall). 

Current employees can borrow most regularly circulating items for 3 months or until the employee’s contract end date (whichever comes first). The due date for collections with more restricted check-out periods can be extended for employees who are using the items for university business (e.g. faculty use in classes).  All Malone library patrons can also borrow circulating materials from any OhioLINK, OPAL, or SearchOhio library by using links from the OPAL catalog. Borrowers simply select an item in the online catalog and type in their name and the barcode number from their Malone ID. Employee barcode numbers are also listed on the “Employees” tab in Malone Xpress. Requested items are usually shipped to Malone, but borrowers can also choose to have requested items delivered to any OhioLINK institution anywhere in the state.  Employees are notified at their Malone email address when items are ready for pick-up.  They can also monitor their own borrowing records by going to the Cattell Library web page and clicking “My Account.”  Current Malone faculty, staff, and administrators are limited to 100 items out at a time. 

Additional interlibrary loan services are available for current Malone employees. If a physical item is not available at Malone, OhioLINK, or through SearchOhio, current employees can complete an interlibrary loan request through the library’s web page or contact the interlibrary loans specialist. The interlibrary loans librarian will search a worldwide catalog to try to find a copy. Employees can also request journal articles that are not available in the Cattell Library or through one of our online databases. Most articles will be emailed to the requestor.

Media equipment must be requested through the Media Services department for pickup at the IT Help Desk in Haviland Hall. 

Borrowers must present a valid Malone University ID card or barcode number to borrow library materials. The card-holder is responsible for any items checked out with that card. Faculty can access most of the computer databases from off campus using their regular Malone University logon and password. 

Renewals and Returns

Employees will receive several reminder email notices for overdue items. These notices are sent as a courtesy service only. Borrowers are responsible to know the due dates for all items borrowed and to renew or return on time whether notices are received or not. 

Most items will renew automatically. Items cannot be renewed if a hold is placed on the item by another patron.

When an item reaches 30 days overdue, the system automatically charges a replacement fee for each overdue or lost item. Charges vary by item type and lending institution. See the attached chart for more detailed information. If an item is lost, the Cattell Library and some other lenders will sometimes accept replacement copies of library materials (new copies of the same, or sometimes a more recent edition) plus the processing fee.  Since this practice is not guaranteed, borrowers should always consult with a circulation supervisor before purchasing a replacement copy.

 Circulation privileges will be suspended for employees who owe more than $50.00. 


Library-provided databases are accessible when an employee logs on to any campus computer.  Off-campus access to databases generally requires remote authentication using the employee's regular Malone username and password. 

Malone Retirees

Malone retirees and spouses of current employees can borrow most items using a valid Stark County District Library card. Licensing agreements dictate that only current employees can access the online databases from off campus. Professors who are awarded Emeritus status are permitted to continue regular Malone library privileges.


Loan Periods

Malone Items

   Regular circulating books, CDs                    3 months or end of contract (1 renewal)

   DVDs, curriculum items, tests                      1 week (2 renewals) *

   Reference, periodicals, archives                   in library use only

* The circulation desk staff can extend due dates for professors for Malone items being used to teach a class.

OhioLINK/OPAL items

   Books, CDs                                                   6 weeks (6 possible renewals)

   DVDs, videos                                                1 week (no renewals, no grace period)

SearchOhio items

   Books, CDs                                                   3 weeks (3 possible renewals)

   DVDs, other media                                        1 week (no renewals)

Interlibrary loans

   Books                                                          usually 4 weeks (determined by lender)

   Articles                                                        copies to be kept by patron


                Fines and Fees

Replacement costs *   

   Most Malone items                                   $ 70.00 (includes $20 processing fee)

   OhioLINK items                                         $125.00 (includes $50 processing fee)

   SearchOhio items                                      $ 50.00 (includes $25 processing fee)

   Interlibrary loans                                      determined by lender

   * Employees should always consult with a circulation supervisor before purchasing a replacement copy

Other fees

   Interlibrary loan articles                             free unless charged by lender


Copies can be scanned to email at no charge using a current Malone University ID card

Printing and copying charges are handled through the university's campus print balance.

 Circulation privileges will be suspended for employees who owe more than $50.00.

Library access for alumni has changed recently.
  • Your alumni card/student account has expired. We no longer have alumni cards. You can search our online catalog; you cannot request anything from it directly. You are welcome to call or email a request to set aside a book for you to pick up.
  •  Alumni are welcome to use their public library card to check out items in person at Cattell Library. Stark Co and Akron-Summit Co are two of the many participating systems. If your card is from a different library, we recommend contacting us first to make sure it will work here.
  • If you want to request one of our books to be sent to your library, you'll need to start at your public library's catalog and find us by clicking the OhioLINK button.

The Cattell Library at Malone University invites adult guests to use our library for personal research  Adults who live in Stark County or one of the surrounding counties can request and borrow items from Malone or through the OhioLINK system using a Stark County District Library card or a current valid OhioLINK institution ID.

General Borrowing Privileges 

Community patrons may borrow items according to their hosting institution. Items can be picked up in the Cattell Library or ordered through OhioLINK or SearchOhio for delivery to any participating library.

Interlibrary borrowing privileges from institutions outside of OhioLINK or SearchOhio are extended to Malone students and employees only. This includes all periodical articles as well as books not available through OhioLINK or OPAL. Patrons should check with a public library for those interlibrary loan needs. 

Campus Computer Access 

All library computers are limited for use by current Malone students and employees. The library offers free Wi-Fi as a "Guest" or through an active EduRoam account. Visitors are invited to access the library catalog using their own device. Library staff are happy to assist.

Research Databases

Alumni and OhioLINK students are able to access Malone-subscribed databases from in-library computers only. Licensing agreements dictate that off-campus access is restricted to current Malone students and employees.

Library Access 

The library’s outer doors are locked at 6:00 pm Monday - Thursday, and at 4:30 pm on Fridays during the academic year. Access to the 24-hour study space is limited to use by current students only, as is access to the library on Sundays. Hours are subject to change due to academic breaks and holidays. Library hours are posted on our website.

Renewals and Returns

Items are borrowed and renewed according to the patron's home library (e.g. Stark County Public Library). Items should all have a library ownership label and so can be returned either at Malone or at the patron's home library.

All visitors must abide by Malone’s standards of behavior. Anyone whose behavior is disruptive, disrespectful, or dangerous may be asked to leave. Children are welcome, but must have constant adult supervision.


Circulation Desk      330-471-8317

