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Citation Styles: SBL

This guide was designed to provide you with assistance in citing your sources when writing an academic paper.

The Book

Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) is the citation guide you will want to use in order to correctly cite information in biblical studies.

SBL Abbreviations

Old Testamen

Gen - Genesis
Exod - Exodus
Lev - Leviticus
Num - Numbers
Deut - Deuteronomy
Josh - Joshua
Judg - Judges
Ruth - Ruth
1Sam - 1Samuel
2Sam - 2Samuel
1Kgs - 1Kings
2Kgs - 2Kings
1Chron - 1Chronicles
2Chron - 2Chronicles
Ezra - Ezra
Neh - Nehemiah
Esth - Esther
Job - Job
Ps - Psalms 
Prov - Proverbs
Eccl - Ecclesiastes
Song - Song of Solomon
Is - Isaiah
Jer - Jeremiah
Lam - Lamentations
Ezek - Ezekiel
Dan - Daniel
Hos - Hosea
Joel – Joel
Amos - Amos
Obad - Obadiah
Jon - Jonah
Mic - Micah
Nah - Nahum
Hab - Habakkuk
Zeph - Zephaniah
Hag - Haggai
Zech - Zechariah
Mal - Malachi


New Testament 

Matt - Matthew
Mark - Mark
Luke - Luke
John - John
Acts - Acts
Rom - Romans
1Cor - 1Corinthians
2Cor - 2Corinthians
Gal - Galatians
Eph - Ephesians
Phil - Philippians
Col - Colossians
1Thess - 1Thessalonians
2Thess - 2Thessalonians
1Tim - 1Timothy
2Tim - 2Timothy
Titus - Titus
Phlm - Philemon
Heb - Hebrews
Jam - James
1Pet - 1Peter
2Pet - 2Peter
1Jn - 1John
2Jn - 2John
3Jn - 3John 
Jude - Jude
Rev - Revelation


SBL Online

Links to SBL citation help online.

Citaion Examples



12Martin Hengel, The Johannine Question (London: SCM; Philadelphia: Trinity Press, 1989), 132.
19Hengel, The Johannine Question, 152.

(internal citation)

Sentence (Hengel 1989, 152).
According to Martin Hengel, “...quotation...” (1989, 152).


Hengel, Martin. The Johannine Question. London: SCM; Philadelphia: Trinity Press, 1989.



12Bernard M. Levinson, ed. Deuteronomy in The New Oxford Annotated Bible (ed. Michael D.
Coogen; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), 253.
19Levinson, Deuteronomy, 201.

(internal citation)

Sentence (Levinson 2001, 301).
According to Bernard M. Levinson, "...quotation..." (2001, 301).


Levinson, Bernard M., ed. Deuteronomy. Pages 240-308 in The New Oxford Annotated Bible. Edited by Michael D.
Coogen. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.



4Raymond Brown, The Gospel According to John XII-XXI (Anchor Bible 29A; Garden City: Doubleday, 1966),
32Brown, The Gospel According to John XII-XXI. 1159.

(internal citation)

Sentence (Brown 1966, 1159).
According to Raymond Brown, “...quotation...” (1966, 1159).


Brown, Raymond. Page 1159 in The Gospel According to John. 2 vols. Anchor Bible 29A.Garden City: Doubleday,



33K. Stendahl, “Biblical Theology, Contemporary,” The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible
(G.A. Butterick ed.; Nashville: Abingdon, 1962) 1:422.
39Stendahl, “Biblical Theology, Contemporary,” 1:429-30.

(internal citation)

Sentence (Stendahl 1962, 1:422).
According to K. Stendahl, “...quotation...” (1962, 1:422).


Stendahl, K. “Biblical Theology, Contemporary.” Pages 418-32 in vol. 1 ofThe Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible.
Edited by G.A. Butterick. 4 vols. Nashville: Abingdon, 1962.



23P.E Easterling, “Constructing Character in Greek Tragedy.” inCharacterization and Individuality in Greek
Literature (ed. Christopher Pelling; Oxford: Clarendon, 1990), 83.
29Easterling, “Constructing Character in Greek Tragedy,” 84-85.

(internal citation)

Sentence (Easterling 1990, 84-85).
According to P.E. Easterling, “...quotation...” (1990, 84-85).


Easterling, P.E. “Constructing Character in Greek Tragedy.” Pages 82-99 inCharacterization and Individuality in
Greek Literature. Edited by Christopher Pelling. Oxford: Clarendon, 1990.




24Marcus Joel, “Rivers of Living Water from Jesus’ Belly (John 7:38),”Journal of Biblical Literature 117 (1998):
35Joel, “Rivers of Living Water from Jesus’ Belly (John 7:38),” 330.

(internal citation)

Sentence (Joel, 1998, 330).
According to Marcus Joel, “...quotation...” (1998, 330).


Joel, Marcus. “Rivers of Living Water from Jesus’ Belly (John 7:38).”Journal of Biblical Literature117 (1998):



7Joel Green, “Bible, Theology and Theological Interpretation,” SBL Forum, n.p. [cited 16 Sept. 2004].
15Green, “Bible, Theology and Theological Interpretation.”

(internal citation)

Sentence (Green 2004).
According to Joel B. Green, “...quotation...” (2004).


Green, Joel B. “Bible, Theology and Theological Interpretation.” SBL Forum. No Pages. Cited 16 September 2004.