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12Martin Hengel, The Johannine Question (London: SCM; Philadelphia: Trinity Press, 1989), 132.19Hengel, The Johannine Question, 152.
(internal citation)
Sentence (Hengel 1989, 152).According to Martin Hengel, “...quotation...” (1989, 152).
Hengel, Martin. The Johannine Question. London: SCM; Philadelphia: Trinity Press, 1989.
12Bernard M. Levinson, ed. Deuteronomy in The New Oxford Annotated Bible (ed. Michael D.Coogen; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001), 253.19Levinson, Deuteronomy, 201.
(internal citation)
Sentence (Levinson 2001, 301).According to Bernard M. Levinson, "...quotation..." (2001, 301).
Levinson, Bernard M., ed. Deuteronomy. Pages 240-308 in The New Oxford Annotated Bible. Edited by Michael D.Coogen. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001.
4Raymond Brown, The Gospel According to John XII-XXI (Anchor Bible 29A; Garden City: Doubleday, 1966),980.32Brown, The Gospel According to John XII-XXI. 1159.
(internal citation)
Sentence (Brown 1966, 1159).According to Raymond Brown, “...quotation...” (1966, 1159).
Brown, Raymond. Page 1159 in The Gospel According to John. 2 vols. Anchor Bible 29A.Garden City: Doubleday,1966.
33K. Stendahl, “Biblical Theology, Contemporary,” The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible(G.A. Butterick ed.; Nashville: Abingdon, 1962) 1:422.39Stendahl, “Biblical Theology, Contemporary,” 1:429-30.
(internal citation)
Sentence (Stendahl 1962, 1:422).According to K. Stendahl, “...quotation...” (1962, 1:422).
Stendahl, K. “Biblical Theology, Contemporary.” Pages 418-32 in vol. 1 ofThe Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible.Edited by G.A. Butterick. 4 vols. Nashville: Abingdon, 1962.
23P.E Easterling, “Constructing Character in Greek Tragedy.” inCharacterization and Individuality in GreekLiterature (ed. Christopher Pelling; Oxford: Clarendon, 1990), 83.29Easterling, “Constructing Character in Greek Tragedy,” 84-85.
(internal citation)
Sentence (Easterling 1990, 84-85).According to P.E. Easterling, “...quotation...” (1990, 84-85).
Easterling, P.E. “Constructing Character in Greek Tragedy.” Pages 82-99 inCharacterization and Individuality inGreek Literature. Edited by Christopher Pelling. Oxford: Clarendon, 1990.
24Marcus Joel, “Rivers of Living Water from Jesus’ Belly (John 7:38),”Journal of Biblical Literature 117 (1998):329.35Joel, “Rivers of Living Water from Jesus’ Belly (John 7:38),” 330.
(internal citation)
Sentence (Joel, 1998, 330).According to Marcus Joel, “...quotation...” (1998, 330).
Joel, Marcus. “Rivers of Living Water from Jesus’ Belly (John 7:38).”Journal of Biblical Literature117 (1998):328-330.
7Joel Green, “Bible, Theology and Theological Interpretation,” SBL Forum, n.p. [cited 16 Sept. 2004].Online:, “Bible, Theology and Theological Interpretation.”
(internal citation)
Sentence (Green 2004).According to Joel B. Green, “...quotation...” (2004).
Green, Joel B. “Bible, Theology and Theological Interpretation.” SBL Forum. No Pages. Cited 16 September 2004.Online: