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Business Resources: International Business

A guide filled with research resources for the School of Business and Leadership.

International Resources

Country Information - Public Websites


Euromonitor International

Euromonitor International Analytics offers precise answers to vital business questions in an increasingly fast-paced and uncertain world. Our Macro Model provides regularly updated forecasts and “what-if” scenarios for core macroeconomic variables, including gdp, growth and unemployment. Its global scope ensures our macro forecasts and scenarios reflect the economically inter-connected world in which we live.
The Global Economic Forecasts report focuses on quarterly macro changes for the world’s key economies and what these mean to our view of the likely, optimistic and pessimistic scenarios for the global economy. Ultimately, we help businesses stay ahead of risks and opportunities as they emerge ona macroeconomic basis.

Below is a pdf of their latest report:

Country Risk Reports (Databases)

Library Online Journals

International Corporate Filings

Free sources of international corporate filings are can be difficult to find. Try starting here:

Global Economics Resource