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Business Resources: General Web Resources

A guide filled with research resources for the School of Business and Leadership.

General Internet Business Resources

  • Annual Reports
    Annual Report Library Annual reports plus information on readingthem, finding company information, non-profit annual reports and other relevant resources.
    SEC (U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission) Access to company filings with the SEC, including 10-Q and 10-K.
  • Business Research
    Business Research Assistant The University of Vermont has developed this user-friendly tool to point users to specific business information. The online forms and checkboxes do all of the legwork.
    Business History
    An extensive online bibliography that provides citations with descriptions to biographies, industry histories, management books, business fiction, and other books in various other categories (no article citations are included)


  • Company Profiles (Multinational)
    Corporate Information International corporate and industry research reports and profiles in a variety of languages. List of industry sectors on left-hand side of screen links to key information sources for each industry.
  • Compensation


  • Demographic Information
    The Right Site Demographic reports customizable by geography and type of report (requires registration)







  • Market Research
    emarketer News, articles, statistics and market research reports related to ecommerce and emarketing.
    Internet Useage Internet world stats.
    Market Research Resources Searchable by industry with table of contents for each report included.
    Quirks Marketing Research Review A broad resource which includes articles from the publication by the same name and a searchable (by company, location or specialty)directory of market research firms.



  • Public Relations
    PRWeb Press releases posted in the past 90 days by industry. Also includes industry information such as associations, directories and expert lists.